Travel map Wonogiri

Gold Plate

Gold Plate
Wonogiri store of gold and copper reserves in large scale

Friday, August 19, 2011


Since learning in SMP Negeri 1 Gemolong, Sragen (1980), writing hobby started sticking. After graduating from college in FKIP UNS Surakarta in 1988, had realized his dream of becoming a journalist. In 1988 he joined the newspaper Solo, DHARMA NYATA. Five years as a journalist, in 1992 he had over the profession as a teacher at SMP Negeri 2 Pracimantoro Wonogiri. In 2010 he was given a mandate by the Regency Wonogiri served as Head of SMP Negeri 3 Pracimantoro. Agus is active in various organizations such as the Sports Committee, Arts Council, Boy Scouts, MGMP, PGRI, and HPBI. He wrote several books, including 'History of Karst and Cave-Cave Story'. This blog is a big dream for Karst Museum socialize in cyberspace. You want to connect? Please click E-mail: contact person or via phone 081 329 099 073.


Wonogiri keep reserves of gold and copper in a large scale. According to the mineral producer based in Sydney Australia, Augur Resources Ltd., the precious metal content was exposed in an area of ​​3928 hectares.  Gold and copper were found in Wonogiri northern part, precisely in the mine Randu Yellow, Wonogiri, Central Java.

"The location of gold and copper depth of drilling was shown to give significant benefits for large-scale mining activities in Wonogiri," said Augur Manager Director, Grant Kensington in a press release on Monday (6/20/2011).

Last May, the drilling at a different location, Augur also claimed similar findings. According to the plan, the company will re-do the next drilling before the end of June in order to establish the highest levels of minerals in the location of the project.
The area of ​​the project is 3928 acres. Augur itself has a 51% stake in the project with the option of ownership up to 80%. Meanwhile, the general meeting of shareholders of the issuance of new shares was held June 30. In addition to the Yellow Randu project finance, funds of U.S. $ 6.31 million from the release of 30 million units of shares will also be used to finance the gold and copper project in Jampang, West Java.
"The prospects look very encouraging Randu Yellow in the presence of mineralized zones are still open to (the) west, north and south," said Grant Kensington.
Based on survey results, the gold was found at varying depths of 32.5 meters (0.66 grams per tonne), 43 meters (1.55 grams per tonne), 59.1 meters (1.31 grams per tonne) to 105.5 meters (0.95 grams per tonne). While copper is found at a depth of 5 meters (0.13%), 8.2 meters (0.3%), 14 meters (0.24%) up to 49.5 meters (0.27%).
In addition to the center of the mine Randu Yellow, gold ore allegedly found in the surrounding area. "Although our current focus on Randu Yellow, there are strong indications of gold mineralization and silver mines in the area around Randu Yellow. Also additional anomalous gold stream in the southern region, "he added.
In order to know the potential of mining the precious stones that, Augur plan to do some ground magnetic surveys to help identify targets. Additional trenching program has done and is still awaiting a detailed assessment of each prospect.
Identification of expected results this year could be obtained from each prospect in order to begin test drilling of the zone's most promising. "The system of mineralization in Wonogiri thought to be in the center of the volcanic caldera, one of which was in the Sunda-Banda arc drawn from the trough of Sumatra, Java to the east, Sumbawa," explained Grant.
Investors Pull
Augur continue the test drilling has been done before by PT Oxindo in 2009-2010. PT Oxindo is a subsidiary of Minerals and Metals Groups, the company's mining operators, project development and exploration of mining fields.
Meanwhile, until recently, the Village Jendi, District Selogiri does have a gold mining area. However, gold mining in Jendi still traditionally cultivated by local people. Indeed, several recent years many investors who are glancing Selogiri because gold is believed to store content.
Since the last two years, PT Prime Alexis Minerals (APM) which has still doing mining exploration permits. PT APM exploration permits covering an area of
​​3260 hectares (ha). The land that stretches from the Village Jendi, Selogiri until Spring Village, District Wonogiri.
"Exploration permit PT APM reach six years, now entering its second year. Stages through which, after exploration to exploitation. Exploration is a stage for knowing the content of the soil whether or not there is a gold mine. Until now we have (PESDM) has not issued a license of exploitation, "said Head of Water, Energy and Mineral Resources (PESDM) Wonogiri, Arso Espos Utoro when contacted Monday night.
According Arso, PT APM still drilling at some point. "Exploitation done if the land is already positive for gold content," he said.
Arso explained, it was still doing some of these stages, the investigation in general, drilling, survey and research. He admitted if the gold content in Jendi big enough.
Meanwhile, the information obtained Espos, since the traditional miners emerge, the circulation of money in Jendi reach hundreds of millions of dollars.
Camat Selogiri, Bambang Haryanto said the traditional miners submit mine to collectors. "The soil contained gold content of the soil belongs to the people so that mastery can be done individually."

Wonogiri Must Have Stocks

Regent Wonogiri, H Danar Rahmanto, giving appreciation to the release of Augur Resources Ltd. in Sydney Australia which mentions Wonogiri store of gold and copper reserves in a large scale. The government did not want to Wonogiri related missed lay the precious metal content in an area of ​​3928 hectares and located in the hills Randu Yellow, Jendi, Selogiri, Wonogiri it.
"Learning from the experience of mistakes in the management of mining and that does not happen in Wonogiri, Wonogiri Government will proactively engage with the surrounding community," said Regent Wonogiri.
Regent Danar Rahmanto explained, the existence of the mine will benefit the Government Wonogiri. He hoped, among companies that want to manage the mines with the Government Wonogiri equally play a role.
"The government does not impose Wonogiri company. Wonogiri there sharing government in accordance with the ability Wonogiri budget. So that stage of exploitation, the Government Wonogiri must already have ownership stake in the management of mining gold. "
According to him, the shares not owned by the Government Wonogiri stock origin or stock empty talk. "The government Wonogiri actually have the shares and became pure business. The government-owned shares Wonogiri that, for the welfare of the people. "
More alumni SMP 1 Wonogiri said, if the mines had been exploited, despite the benefit of the people around. "People around get added value. CSR can be diverted for the welfare of the people around the mine site. "
On the other hand, the Regent asked the Office of Research and Development and the Office of Water, Energy and Human Resources (PESDM) to validate the results of such research. The first person in the executive ranks Wonogiri regency is also asking people not to be provoked to land speculators.
"If the deposit is high, then invite people to talk. Society must share in order to benefit all parties. EIA should also be considered. We will immediately coordinate with the central government to more secure long-term interests. "
Separately, Head of Research and Development Office, Puji Santoso said PESDM immediately coordinate with the Office for the existence of a gold mine of information on Jendi not be an issue. Former Head of the General explains, it also will do the mapping so as not to cause environmental impacts.
Reported previously, based on survey results, the gold was found at varying depths of 32.5 meters (0.66 grams per tonne), 43 meters (1.55 grams per tonne), 59.1 meters (1.31 grams per tonne) to 105.5 meters (0.95 grams per tonne). While copper is found at a depth of 5 meters (0.13%), 8.2 meters (0.3%), 14 meters (0.24%) up to 49.5 meters (0.27%). In addition to the center of the mine Randu Yellow, gold ore allegedly found in the surrounding area.
In order to know the potential of mining the precious stones that, Augur Resources Ltd. are planning to do some ground magnetic surveys to help identify targets. Additional trenching program has done and is still awaiting a detailed assessment of each prospect. Hopefully this year the results of identification can be obtained from each prospect in order to begin test drilling of the zone's most promising.


In the village there Selogiri District Keloran hill region believed to contain gold grains. Illegal gold mining located in Mount Geblak tentative. People hunt for gold ore grains by making the holes dug. This goes on illegally since 1992.

It was accidentally discovered population of the grains of sand which contains gold in the groove once Fur Ceperan. "Hunters Gold" was coming from various regions for the bandwagon to earn a fortune. Since 1995 Regency Wonogiri prohibit mining on the grounds that destroying the environment.

Based on the exploration undertaken by the Department of Mines, the gold mining potential in Wonogiri located in the Village and Village Jendi Keloran Selogiri District. The area has potential for gold ore and other mineral content of about 20.7 tons. Gold ore yield 10-15 grams / ton or that there are 194.423 tons of gold content.

The potential of natural resources in Wonogiri indeed very promising for the prosperity of Wonogiri in the future. It is a bright prospect for cooperation has always strived to synergy. Without the efforts and hard work of the various parties, it is impossible that the potential of natural resources to gain revenue. As the era of modern industrialization, the Government Wonogiri hoping private investors who are concerned to explore the mining sector.

South Chalk Mountains

South Chalk Mountains

If viewed in terms of topography (state of the earth's surface), Wonogiri largely a Hilly area. Rocky limestone area is located in the south and west. These hills are part of the sequence Thousand Mountains in the southern part of Java Island. Mostly layer of soil is limestone. Allegedly, in the hills of gold ore Explored the which have not been until now.

In Central Java and East Java's mountain ranges Called the Mountains of South Limestone. Mountains in the northern part of Central Java and East Java extends to the so-called North Limestone Mountains and Mountains Kendeng.

According to the history of the earth, the mountains are limestone rock used to be the former seabed. Historically, geological, this area is lifted from the ocean floor and then up onto the land surface. This event is expected to occur in the days Neosen, about 20 million years ago. Land of lime formed by the events of metamorphosis of marine organisms have been settled That. This land is usually less fertile as it can not store water.

Wonogiri south the topography is Hilly and well-known as a sequence of limestone mountains south there are 109 natural lakes with an area of approximately 117.5 hectares. The potential of this natural lake used as a footstool needs daily water for the residents. Wonogiri the condition of the land most of the hills contain many limestone. This type of rock is very potential to be cultivated into limestone and calcite.